DigitalDNA Games
Timeframe: 4 Days
Difficulty Level: Easy
Problem Statement: Client wanted me to redesign his gaming company’s website because it was old and outdated.
Outcome: Great Response and Beautiful Website
DigitalDNA Games Project Analysis
GOAL: Client felt his website was too outdated and would not be received well by employers. The homepage was very lack luster and needed a modern-edge.
SOLUTION: Created a virtual background that exceeded expectations with the beautiful DNA string that matched the overall theme and other design choices.
PROBLEM: Client was not sure what the end-result should look like as far as theme goes, but knew that it needed to incorporate a little bit of the old design’s theme which was a female AI robot.
SOLUTION: Kept the idea of the female AI robot being involved with the overall design by placing images and gifs throughout the one pager website. Colors remained similar to the old design.
Video Games
PROBLEM: I wanted to make the website similar to other big gaming company websites, but also unique in its own way since a lot of the games created are not being sold anymore and only have a couple for sell.
SOLUTION: Ended up creating a section strictly for games being sold with anchor tags and buttons so they are easily accessible.
GOAL: Highlight the old games as accomplishments even though they are no longer being sold.
SOLUTION: Making a gallery of pictures was a great way of showcasing older projects.
Project Accomplishments:
New Design and Recognizable Theme
Great Response
First Gaming Company Website Redesign